The Library of Congress' rolling exhibition, "
Gateway To Knowledge," recently came to town, featuring various highlights (in facsimile) from America's greatest library. Housed in a specially designed 18-wheeler, the mobile exhibition began last September at the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. The tour will stop at about 60 sites, mostly in the East and Midwest (see full itinerary
On April 27, 2011, the Common Curator visited the exhibition, met one of its two docents, Josh Van Gelder, and photographed the images shown here while the vehicle was stationed at University Mall in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. There was a steady flow of interested visitors, including children, who seemed quite intrigued by the materials on display, which included information about Thomas Jefferson's library, hyperspectral imaging of the Declaration of Independence, Walt Whitman's
Leaves of Grass, and Spider Man, among much else.
Further details about the tour are available at the Gateway To Knowledge
web site, and via the tour's
guest posts to the Library of Congress blog; Abigail Van Gelder's post covering the stops in North Carolina is available
here. The exhibition and national tour were made possible through the support of the Abby and Emily Rapoport Foundation.
Note: Additional exhibition photos can be viewed
online at Flickr.