Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kickstarting CursiveLogic

At a time when cursive writing is being dropped from the curriculum of countless schools around the United States, Linda Shrewsbury has developed a simplified teaching methodology that significantly reduces the amount of time necessary for mastery of this fundamental literacy skill. Her Kickstarter campaign ends shortly, but it has already surpassed its fundraising goal, thus ensuring that the teaching materials will be produced for broad dissemination. More information on the method can be found at the CursiveLogic website.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tour of the Mississippi River Valley 2015

Sponsored by the Quad Cities Bicycle Club, the 38th annual Tour of the Mississippi River Valley (TOMVR) will take place this year on June 13-14. A tradition since 1978, this year's bicycle ride offers two different distance options, with the longer ride covering 106 miles on the first day (from Bettendorf to Dubuque), and 90 miles via a different route back to Bettendorf on the second day. The longer option also involves approximately 6,000 feet of climb on the first day and 4,000 feet on the second. Registration is currently open, and further information can be found on the QCBC web site.